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water extraction and alcohol precipitation method, Botticelli取法, semiimitation voice extraction, ethanolic water Shenyang Mining Act, in which water Shen law Ethanol is easy to extract a high level, low cost;从表1可以看出,就萃取效率而言,氯仿优于其他溶剂,但氯仿乙醇的混合物提供了一个更为完全的萃取由表1可见从20 ° C加热至40 ° C可加速萃取过程,但进一步升温至60 ° C则导致产率降低见表2 表2中的数据;10, Bajitian Wen Jinji 64 g kg day orally, can minors thymus atrophy, 10gkg day intraperitoneal injection, the thymus atrophy is also very significant, Bajitian 50 percent ethanol extract Of 60 g;Ethanol extraction A type of solvent extraction used to extract fragrant compounds directly from dry raw materials, as well as the impure oily compounds materials resulting from solvent extraction or enfleurage Ethanol extract;In this paper, alkaloid extracted from the peanuts in order to extract ethanol for use of impregnated steam distillation continuous heating return alkaloid extracted first with ethanol, the peanut powder。

some differences in the extraction of fresh tissue extract of the results are liver, quottail finsquot muscle 75% ethanol preserved tissue extract results Liver quotmusclequot tail fins Fresh tissue compared with 7;the broad prospectIn this research, shrimp head shell as raw material and using ethanol extract classification precipitation low chitosan By single factor experiment, adopted to trichoderma viride and cellulose enzy;Firstly, the gas liquid equilibrium phase diagram of toluene ethanol binary system was used to extract the initial extraction agent The relative volatility curve and residual curve were drawn by Flash module;we can see in the four reagents, the product yield from consideration, the use of ethanol extract from the product yield is the highest, with an average of 628 percent, followed by xylene and carbon tetr。

first of all ethanol solvent extraction 13 hours, and then the ethanol extract of extraction, points Different polarity of the fatsoluble substances and watersoluble substances, and then use column chromatography;through shelling, drying, ethanol extraction, centrifugation and other steps to extract the pigment, and at different pH;Methods the uniform design method to investigate the ethanol concentration, material to liquid ratio, ultrasonic time, temperature and so on four factors on the influence of flavonoid extract pueraria lobata Using;大黄乙醇提取物的体外抗新城疫病毒作用 Ethanol extract of adzuki bean has the estrogenlike activities through the estrogen response pathway赤豆提取物具有雌激素活性,此作用是通过雌激素受体ER介导的。

Cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from the ethanol extract of fruits of Celastrus orbiculatus Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2008, 117 175177 SCI,通讯作者18 Yuanqiang Guo, Yushan Li, Jing Xu, Ryuichi Watanabe, Yasukatsu;再根据结构中是否有酸性基团主要指酚羟基,分为酚性和非酚性Abstract This paper alkaloid extracted from the peanuts in order to extract ethanol for use of impregnated steam distillation continuous heating。




